MSUCAA Homecoming 2023 Timeline of Events

**Click on links within the timeline for details about the event.**


Homecoming parade 6:00 pm

Route: Begins at Hannah Community Center, travels down Abbot to Grand River and into campus at the Collingwood entrance.

Includes: the Spartan Marching Band, the MSU Alumni Band, the MSU Cheerleaders and Dance Team, student organizations, Greek sororities and fraternities, East Lansing community groups, Michigan high school bands and much more.

Gather with other Cheerleading Alumni on Grand River Ave, behind the Union to watch the parade. Then walk to Jenison for the meet & greet.

Alumni meet and greet (including stunting) 3rd floor Jenison ~7:30 pm



Saturday (tentative timeline)MSUCAA annual meeting 1:00pm 3rd floor Jenison - 

doors open at 12:30 pm for refreshments, time to catch up with former teammates and to pick up membership shirts    


Team Walk pep rally 1:45 pm Sparty Statue - 

attire is black, green or khaki shorts, pants or skirts, and this year's MSUCAA t-shirt.


MSU Homecoming game 3:30 pm Spartan Stadium - To participate on the field, you will need a ticket to the game, attend our annual meeting and be up to date on MSUCAA dues.